Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Introducing my P.A.K. or Portable Adventure Kit. It consists of several items that I can easily transport in my airplane for land and aquatic adventures. It consists of these items:

The A.I.K. or Air Inflatable Kayak is just that, a kayak that you blow up with air. I picked this up very cheap (I think it was $50) at a going out of business sale. It weighs about 20 pounds and can be rolled and folded into about a 16" cube.

The B.U.T. is a Bicycle Utility Trailer. This is used to carry all of my gear around (did you think Sam was going to carry it all???). I built and designed my B.U.T. from scratch. It is made of PVC pipe and other lightweight materials. It is ultralight (8 pounds) for easy towing and for air travel in Big Bird. It has a large plastic tote that I can load the A.I.K. and all of the other gear in. Total cost, about $20.

The P.F.B. or Portable Folding Bicycle tows the trailer and all the gear and gives me reasonably comfortale and speedy transportation. This tiny folding bicycle is small and super lightweight at 18 pounds. It has three speeds and will fold down to about 18"x18"x10" thick. It is actually made by Z-bike but has been modified by Oakes-bike. I bought it on eBay for $50. They cost $200 everywhere else.

The B.P.U. is a homemade Bicycle Power Unit. The B.P.U. is a homemade gasoline power unit consisting of a weedwhacker engine and a drive wheel that bolts onto the P.F.B. providing power assist. It can propel the empty P.F.B. to the dizzying speed of 20mph on level ground with no pedaling! Believe me, on those tiny tires 20mph feels like at least 80mph. I got the weedwhacker at the dump, free, and the rest of it was made from junk too. Total cost, about $10.

The K.P.U. or Kayak Power Unit is currently in development. It will consist of dual trolling motors and a battery to help propel the A.I.K. so I have to paddle less. This will enable me to cover a lot more ground and not get all tired out. Remember, I have to fly home at the end of the day... Total investment goal for this feature is under $70. I will let you know how I do.

I hope to have pictures of all of this soon. Right now, you just get a picture of the A.I.K. This project was begun right before I found Castle Oakes and then had a baby so it has been on hold. But just like anything else, what I start, I finish, so one day I will go off adventuring with my P.A.K.

(if anyone out there really thinks my B.U.T. is nice, I might let you touch it if you buy me dinner...)




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